In the darkness is where I have found the light
There’s an area in our little town called Spurlington Tunnel. When I was in grade school they took us on a field trip there and we walked through it. There is an old “spooky” story that goes along with the tunnel, but the long and short is that it’s an old, abandoned railroad tunnel that has seen the wear of time.
The dark and light coincide so oddly on the edge of each other. Vast darkness feels like a never ending void, an emptiness. You’re all alone, even if you’re not. You’re nowhere, even if you’re not. You’re asleep, even if you’re not. In the middle of that tunnel is darkness. No view of the beginning and no view of the end. No light to spill in either way. Total…vast…darkness. The reality is odd, in that you’re not far from the light. Actually with only a few steps in either direction the light will begin to spill in, on the very edge of that darkness.
For whatever reason I’ve been thinking about the center of that silly tunnel today. Sitting in that dark place where I possibly refuse to step myself out of, in either direction. I’ve been sitting in spirit today, much like in that tunnel. I CAN choose to sit in the darkness. But it is very much that, a choice.
I don’t have to stay there.
My husband called Monday while on his way to work out of town. His truck had broken down. And was quite literally, done.
Really, God? I’m confused.
Sitting in the tunnel.
Where are the wagons of provision?
Sitting in the tunnel.
Why us?
Sitting in the tunnel.
I’m angry, God.
Sitting in the tunnel.
I can not handle one more thing.
Sitting in the tunnel.
If we’re honest with ourselves, we’ve all been there. Most of my blogs up to this point, have been full of hope, gratitude, love for our community, all the things. Because, that is where we have been… full of gratitude, full of hope, full of adoration for a God who has supplied every single one of our needs. We have seen Him, we have felt Him, we know that He is for us!! But today, I have found myself sitting in the tunnel. A place where I don’t want to be. The vehicles survived the storm because we weren’t home-PRAISE GOD! And now, they’re suffering too. But there is HOPE.
I can ask all the questions.
Why, God?
What’s the plan? I’m confused. I need to see it.
But isn’t it just like God to say, “Show me your faith!”
We have seen miracle, after miracle. We are alive. Our friends and neighbors are alive. We are clothed, fed, sheltered, loved. All Absolute Miracles.
So today, choose with me friend, to STAND in the tunnel. We need each other.
Stand with me and take a step. Just one, because on the other side the light will begin to spill in.
Just one step….
God, You are for me.
God, I Know my miracle is coming.
God, Thank you for my miracle.
And before we know it, the light is spilling in and we see the miracle.
Jesus spoke in John 16: 31-33
“Do you now believe?” Jesus replied. “A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have OVERCOME THE WORLD.”
Where the light spills in, it must dominate the dark. Where there’s light, the darkness can’t remain… it has no choice to leave, and in that moment, when we begin to see the light, we also have no choice but to BELIEVE.
He’s too Good… step.
I See you, God… step.
I FEEL you, God.. step.
Thank YOU for what I can not see… step.
Faith is a funny thing. It goes against our very nature.
“I’m in this world.. But goodness I am NOT of this world.” and I feel the struggle between flesh and spirit everyday.
But today, I CHOOSE to step.
I CHOOSE to say, “Spirit Move… Spirit Lead… Spirit take over..”
Because at the end of it all….. it is a CHOICE.
Choose FAITH with me, friend. Yes, it’s against all things of this world. But CHOOSE FAITH with me!
Step into the light.
Just step.
Hebrews 11:1
Now Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
That tunnel will always be there waiting for you to sit in the middle. Waiting for you to sit in the darkness. But YOU have to make the CHOICE. I have to make the choice.
Choose the Miracle.
Choose to step.
The first is the hardest.
The Second…a little easier.
Before we know it-we’re running towards the light.
Run with me, sister.
Run with me, brother.
Where the light is… there is no darkness.
Run with me.