One Step at a time…

Everyday is a new step. 

We’ve learned so much over the last few months. There has been so much good, more than I can log here. We’ve learned so much about the character of God and His nature. He is good, yall. He is so good. There have been many emotion, for us and for our children. There have been great days, and days that we have to remember that “it’s ok to not be okay…. But only for today”.  

I am excited that in this entry I can share with you true, visible progress on our new home. Look at God!


Two months. 

After endless cleanup, and still more to our footers were completed on the house. There is still clean-up to be done, but today  was a huge step and it made our hearts so happy to see progress. I look out over our neighbors farms and see “new beginnings” all around. The destruction is still very real and visible. 

“It’s Just going to take time.” seems to be on repeat in my brian. 

But in the middle of the mess, there is hope rising and it’s a beautiful sight to see.

April 2, 2022

We can see a house. The basement walls and floor is poured, plumbing has been added and possibly the most important, the storm room. 

See that far left corner… that’s the storm room.. yay

My husband has put in countless hours over the last few weeks building a small barn for our small livestock and today, several of our friends came to put on the metal. The people around you matter and it was so good to see a structure above ground. 

The finished product (still small details to finish).

A couple of weeks ago, Chris went out to work on the house. He sent me a picture and said we had our first occupant on the farm. You remember “the dove”? There is now a dove perched with its nest in the rafters of our barn. We hear you, Lord. We receive.. peace.

Our hearts have reflected a lot on the farm lately. The Lord has blessed us with an amazing rental to rest and be over the next few months, but our hearts long for the farm. The animals, my garden, the simple life. I am thankful for the pictures and memories that we have, however short our time was in the farmhouse. There will be new memories. For now, we cherish the ones that we have. 

Brock and the ducks. We loved those crazy things.

How we ended most of our days. The sounds of the farm, a hot cup of tea or coffee and an oil lamp.

Elli’s happy place. Collecting flowers from the garden and making bouquets for the house. She gets it from her momma!

View from last years garden, 2021.

We spent every morning around this table.

There was always new life on the farm.

So much peace here.

There has been a lot of loss. But we have much to rejoice over. I am convinced that the strategy in this season rests in allowing God to be God, worship in the wait and keep the right people close. The Calebs (Numbers 13), the ones who SEE GOD and believe that the giants WILL be slain. Who refuse to let you believe the lies of the enemy. The ones who encourage, but also allow you to ‘not be okay’ for a day. The friends who rejoice with you, and weep with you… and most importantly war and battle with you. I’m grateful that God has given us those friends. Take your eyes off the Giant, prophecy to the unseen and look at God.

Treasure the ones who point you there.

Today..we choose to REJOICE in the FIRM FOUNDATION of our NEW BEGINNING. We rejoice in restoration. We rejoice in the firm foundations that are being restored for our neighbors.



Behold, I am making all things new...


In the darkness is where I have found the light